Show HN: ArXiv-txt, LLM-friendly ArXiv papers
arxiv-txt.orgJust change to in the URL to get the paper info in markdown
Original URL:
Change to:
To fetch the raw text directly, use, this will be particularly useful for APIs and agents
Was super excited that it was going to be the actual papers, kinda cool but just being abstracts doesn't go very far, good luck getting the papers working thats gonna be pretty cool once working, then to feed it all into a vector db XD
It just extracts the abstracts?
For now , yes - abstracts and other metadata
do you plan on adding descriptions of figures and tables?
will probably focus on getting the text out of the papers first, figures might be a good next step after that
The example you give doesn't seem to work - the raw txt does not have authors.
you're right - I hadn't noticed! I fixed it now, thanks for pointing it out
This would be awesome wrapped in an MCP server/tool call :)
whoa - i haven't yet played with MCP - might be a good first project!
If you train an LLM on only formally verified code, it should not be expected to generate formally verified code.
Similarly, if you train an LLM on only published ScholarlyArticles ['s abstracts], it should not be expected to generate publishable or true text.
Traceability for Retraction would be necessary to prevent lossy feedback.